Di Swedia telah dibangun hotel pohon"treehotel", tepatnya 40 mil selatan ARCTIC CIRCLE.
Tampilannya seperti kubus berukuran 4x4x4 meter. Pemiliknya Kent Lindvall mangatakan,"semuanya akan terpantul dari sini —pohon, burung, awan, matahari, semuanya. karena itu, kami harus menempatkannya dekat hutan". perabotannya dibuat dari kayu khusus, penghangatan lantai elektrik, dan toilet ramah lingkungan.
English Version :
Talk about blending in with nature, the Mirror Cube Tree Hotel in Sweden certainly does! This hotel is literally a “tree house” that is completely covered in mirror so it can reflect its surroundings.
It’s a 4m by 4m by 4m aluminium cube covered in mirrored glass hung round a tree trunk. Once it’s in place, it simply disappears into the forest. The panoramic views from the windows must be absolutely stunning.
Designed by Tham & Videgård Arkitekter, the cube is a treehouse for two people, with room for a kitchenette, bathroom, bedroom and roof terrace. None of the pictures show how you actually get into the cube but rope ladders and bridges are mentioned in the blurb.

Tampilannya seperti kubus berukuran 4x4x4 meter. Pemiliknya Kent Lindvall mangatakan,"semuanya akan terpantul dari sini —pohon, burung, awan, matahari, semuanya. karena itu, kami harus menempatkannya dekat hutan". perabotannya dibuat dari kayu khusus, penghangatan lantai elektrik, dan toilet ramah lingkungan.
English Version :
Talk about blending in with nature, the Mirror Cube Tree Hotel in Sweden certainly does! This hotel is literally a “tree house” that is completely covered in mirror so it can reflect its surroundings.
It’s a 4m by 4m by 4m aluminium cube covered in mirrored glass hung round a tree trunk. Once it’s in place, it simply disappears into the forest. The panoramic views from the windows must be absolutely stunning.
Designed by Tham & Videgård Arkitekter, the cube is a treehouse for two people, with room for a kitchenette, bathroom, bedroom and roof terrace. None of the pictures show how you actually get into the cube but rope ladders and bridges are mentioned in the blurb.